About Me

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I'm a normal 17 years old girl. You love me? I love you too. Hate me? Fuck off then. There's nothing much to know about me. I am taken. I don't get along with strangers. I love fashion. I don't give a damn. This is my second blog. I changed my blogger link last time and it's private now. So, love me. I still let you read this. Love Mel, xoxo.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Sorry for not updating my blog last time. Very busy. And tired. I'm in Sarawak, Malaysia now. Staying in the hotel. Been visiting all our relatives here, which I don't even know, today. And maybe until Wednesday. My cousins are all here. Well Wynonna went back to Kota Kinabalu yesterday night. :( And Josh is here. :) Well, here's my journey. From Kota Kinabalu to Lawas, Sarawak.

Friday - I stayed in the hotel. With the Worthingtons, McQueens, Millburns, Wards, and the Matthews. So that means, Phoebe Worthington, Nicole Worthington, Stacey McQueens, James McQueens, Alyson McQueens, Dallas McQueens, ,Holly Millburn, Heather Millburn, Audrey Matthews, Riley Matthews, Noah Matthews, Aggie Wards, Jake Wards, Carl Wards, Kyle and Blake. We stayed in the hotel, walked around 1 Borneo and Suria Sabah. Went swimming with Phoebe and Noah. The others slept. Some of them went to the waterfront. Then my cousin, Wynonna came. She went with her father. Her father brought us home to eat. Then we go to the airport KKIA to wait for my uncle's body. I stayed in the car with the cousins. Wynonna went with her mother. Then we took a long journey to Sarawak. In the same car with Wynonna, James, Kyle and Blake. Wynonna sat with James. They look like a couple. But they're cousins.

Saturday - Was the funeral. Nothing much to say. Wynonna thinks her uncle's wife's brother is hot. What the hell. He's considered as her uncle, too. It's so retarded. She said he started it first. I don't know. Kyle said she's ditching us for that guy. So, he said it's best we just leave her alone. But I talked to her. The others just doesn't give a damn.

So, that's all I can think of. I'm very tired. The food here is such a no-no. The place? Even no. James is being a loner all of a sudden. Maybe because Wynonna lefted. Because she paid more attention to him that he didn't talk to other people. But well who cares about him. Aggie wants to use the laptop, since she didn't bring hers. TTYL. xoxo

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I'm in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, Now! :) Currently being online in my cousin's house. She has wireless, so I could go online and she could do her business! :) So I arrived here yesterday. Sorry I didn't post anything. It's just that I was so tired. Went to Le Meridien in the city and then straight away went to sleep. Fortunately, my uncle, my cousin's father, has some course in Meridien, so I walked around Warisan Square while waiting for my uncle to finished his course. Warisan Square looks a little bit like one of the shopping building in Los Angeles. Except it's much smaller. Anyway, after that, my uncle called me, we went to fetch my crazy bitch ass cousin, Wynonna from her school. :) She can't shut up. Honestly. She can't stop talking.

On Friday morning, my baby Josh will be coming here in KK. His parents finally let him go! :) On Saturday I might be going to Sarawak for one of my uncle's funeral. So, that's all I can think of tonight, I'm going shopping tomorrow! :) But unfortunately, my cousin can't come for she has to go to school. :( So I would have to shop with Kyle and Blake. Yup. Kyle and Blake is here. But now they're currently in Le Meridien. They wanted to come here but then, for some reasons, they decided not to. :)

Well, okay TATA

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Friday

So, what is everyone up to? Since I'm going to Malaysia next week, I'm not coming to school today. I feel so tired. I'll be going on Monday.

This is what my cousin wrote to me. She said it's about a girl in her school. Exposing? Yeah. Me myself feels like slapping the girl. But then, according to my cousin, that girl is a cry baby. If I do slap her, she'll probably run to her mother and cry. Honestly, I really feel like slapping her. I want to write her name here, so the whole Atlanta people would know who this Asian fuck is. But then my cousin stopped me. And that she would be embarrassed. I've read her blog post, she wanted to slap my cousin? Slap my cousin then. At least my cousin won't cry and run to her mom. laughing my fucking ass off. According to my cousin, this girl, cried after reading her BLOG POST. It's just a BLOG POST and she cried! Try guessing how would she react if I go and slap her pretty face up. Pretty? Wait. No. Her SHIT FACE up. I am very surprised of these kind of girls. If you were in the western country, your whole family would be dead by now. Trust me. But you're lucky you're in that country. Where everyone must cope with your spoiled mind. Try slapping my cousin. I welcome you. But after that, get ready for some banging. You are just 13. Atlanta people, this is what most asian teens do. THEY ACT LIKE THEY'RE POWERFUL AND SLUTTY AT THE AGE OF 13. They are probably going to be a prostitute when they get older. So, think before you try to do anything to my cousin, Asians. I can go and meet you right now if you want. And I am not kidding either, no. You wanna know how Atlanta taste like? I'm ready to let you experience it. It could come in handy for your daughters some day. Teach them not to be a bitch like their mother at the age of 13. :)

Girl, I have the rights to hate her. Get me? It's my body, my feelings, my mouth, of course I have the rights! Are you too dumb to even think of it? If you could, why don't you just tell me what you want to say yourself? Do you really need to ask your fucking friend to help you? You wanna start a fight? Come on then! Once I bitch slap you, you'll regret of everything that you've said. You should really start to learn to mind your own fucking business. I've forgotten about you, I have already FUCK OFF from your life, why would you want to start it again? I didn't bother you in school, I didn't even glance at your fucking ugly face, why would you wanna meddle in me and my friend's business? So what if we hate her? Is it any of your business? Is it? No, I don't think so. Go mind your own business then, you moron. Everything I post seems to be your concern, right? You fucking betch. Go live your own life. Just because I hate you, doesn't mean you should meddle and care for what I do, right? Especially what I post in Facebook. Dumb. Don't you have a life of your own? Seriously. That's what you've been doing. MEDDLING. Since you like to meddle in my life, I'll meddle in yours. You decided to start it. Meddler. I have fucked off out of your life. Why can't you leave mine alone? Why would you even CARE?! You idiotch. Have some confidence or something in yourself. Seriously, what you said is NOT going to bring me down. Why would you even care if I hate you? What would you even care if I hate her? Don't you have anything better to do? If, if, you have been a more smarter person, you won't even care. You're making me sick. You're making everyone sick. Over all, you meddled in my life. And you have own the title. MEDDLER. It's so shameful to be called a MEDDLER you know. Well, for you maybe it's a compliment or something. You cry baby. You were the one who said I scream like NOISE POLLUTION. Don't you remember that? You fucking SHIT TALKER. Your own friend told me. BOTH of them told me the same thing. And they are your own BEST FRIEND. Pity you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

new photo

nice shot heh.

credits to Kyle. He's a crappy photographer though. :)